Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Toyota's Sponsafy

Sponsafy This

Toyota Racing had a promotional event to help raise awareness of their Toyota cars that participate in the NASCAR Sprint Series.  In this promotion the fans could log on to www.toyotaracing.com where they could enter a design for their own Toyota Sprint Car.  The winner would be chosen and their design was put onto one of the Toyota cars in the race.

This is an interesting concept for Toyota to try and integrate themselves into the NASCAR series.  They want to feel like a part of it and it has been hard for the die hard fans to except them in (with the car company being foreign).  What Toyota seems to want to do is to get the fans involved in their cars and to want to "cheer" for their drivers

This concept seems to be a growing themes amoung companies, that theme being "Let the consumer do it".  I can't really bash the concept since it still seems to work and really creates a buzz, but it just seems over done.  The only reason I can see this concept being good for Toyota is they want to generate positive feedback about their car and about them participating in a "North American" sport.  It has generated a lot of interest and people do tend to enjoy taking full participation in things, so I say keep up the good work Toyota, oh by the way, "Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!" Cheers!


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